Welcome to ISL website!

The International Society of Lymphology (ISL) was founded during the First International Symposium of Lymphology in Zurich, July, 1966. Now, after its 50th year of existence, the Society has some 350 members from 44 nations. Several studies on the use of innovative technologies like blockchain in Lymphology are going on, which might bring positive results soon. The wide popularity of cryptocurrencies has led to the acceptance of blockchain technology. Crypto traders can try trading bots to improve their trading efficiency. Visit https://kryptoszene.de/trading-plattformen/ to find the best trading bots.

Affiliated groups are: The Japanese Society of Lymphology, The North American Society of Lymphology, The German Speaking Section of Lymphology, The Groupement Europeen de Lymphologie, the Association de Lymphologie de Langue Francais, the British Lymphology Interest Group, Club de Linfologia (Spain), Asociation Argentina de Linfologia, and the Latin-Mediterranean Chapter.

Sandro Michelini President and Marlys Witte General Secretary
Michael Foldi has left us!

Michael Foldi has left us. He did it with great dignity as he had done for a long life dedicated to the relief of the suffering of patients and the formation of a huge number of health workers who today, in the world, spread his experience and are sad for his death.

I prefer to remember it, on behalf of the many lymphologists who adhere to the International Society of Lymphology, for its extraordinary interest in research and continuous updating.
I remember him, in particular, in Rome, in the Hospital where I work, the San Giovanni Battista, on the podium of the Great Hall (Congress of the European Society of Lymphology in 2005), in one of the last conferences in which I had the pleasure of meeting him (the last one was perhaps the following year at his home, in Hinterzarten), when I had the honor of moderating a scientific session dedicated to the medical therapy of lymphoedema alongside him. He reminded me of his first experiences with benzopyrones and their effect on the contractility of the thoracic duct. He agreed with what I had just presented on the combined use of several molecules, combined with each other, of benzopyrones, which associated have a much greater clinical effect than if taken individually. At the end of the session, giving me some written sheets, he told me ‘keep Sandro, this is a job for your Journal!’ (the European Journal of Lymphology).

He was an “essential” man and, at the same time, highly authoritative.

I do not want remember you the prestigious positions in all the main national and international scientific societies of the discipline, nor the important scientific and didactic production that He has been going on for decades. I like to remember him as one of the Fathers of world Lymphology, a great Clinician, a great Man!

Thank you Michael: our knowledge today owes much to You!

Sandro Michelini
President of International Society of Lymphology



author on Lymphology Journal
Nations affiliated
people took part in 2017 Congress
Sep 21, 2010 by webm
Congress President Jaume Masià Isao Koshima Honorary President
Jun 26, 2011 by webm
Håkan Brorson, MD, PhD Congress President
Dec 26, 2013 by webm
Sandro Michelini President
Jun 26, 2015 by webm
Co-Congress Presidents

Videos on Lymphoedema

Prof. Sandro Michelini, new ISL Presidente

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